Illinois Fire/EMS Lt. Dies Following Shift
An Illinois department is spending this holiday weekend dealing with the loss of a brother, after Kankakee Fire Dept. Lt. Frank Fouts, 37, died Thursday afternoon at his home.
Chief Ron Young said Friday afternoon that Fouts had responded to four calls - two fire and two EMS - on his last shift.
"He was relieved at 7 a.m.," the chief said. "Everything appeared normal..."
Fouts was outside, working on a project at his home, when he collapsed at about 1 p.m.
Young said an autopsy showed Fouts, the father of two children, died of a cardiac arrhythmia.
"He was an integral part of our department. He compiled a training manual for our new medics. He was very instrumental in EMS in the last few years," the chief said.
Fouts spent his last shift assigned to an ALS engine company.
Neighboring departments have called to lend a hand, and will be standing by while firefighters attend the wake and funeral service.
Young said the last line-of-duty death in the Kankakee Fire Department was in 1921. "Neighboring departments have experienced a loss over the years, but not us," he said.
The chief added: "We lost a brother."
Visitation will be held from 2-9 p.m. Monday, July 5 at Schreffler Funeral Home in Kankakee. Firefighters will have a special service at 7 p.m.
On Tuesday, firefighters will gather at the funeral home at 8 a.m. to escort Fouts to St. Joseph's Catholic Church in Bradley, where services will begin at 11 a.m.