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Howard A. Cohen, MD

Case Report
ABSTRACT: Paravalvular leaks are a well-known complication after prosthetic valve implantation. Those patients who become symptomatic pose a technical challenge to surgeons. Percutaneous repair has emerged as an attractive alternative to aid...
ABSTRACT: Paravalvular leaks are a well-known complication after prosthetic valve implantation. Those patients who become symptomatic pose a technical challenge to surgeons. Percutaneous repair has emerged as an attractive alternative to aid...
ABSTRACT: Paravalvular leaks are...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Part ii Continuation of discussion Supporting Patients in Shock Jeff Werner: I have a question for Dr. Shawl. I believe you said that you think patients should be completely revascularized during acute infarction using angioplasty and...
Part ii Continuation of discussion Supporting Patients in Shock Jeff Werner: I have a question for Dr. Shawl. I believe you said that you think patients should be completely revascularized during acute infarction using angioplasty and...
Part ii Continuation of...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Case Report
ABSTRACT: Paravalvular leaks (PVL) are a well-known complication after prosthetic valve surgery. Effective non-surgical repair techniques are being developed using several off-label transcatheter occlusive devices given that there is no...
ABSTRACT: Paravalvular leaks (PVL) are a well-known complication after prosthetic valve surgery. Effective non-surgical repair techniques are being developed using several off-label transcatheter occlusive devices given that there is no...
ABSTRACT: Paravalvular leaks...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Howard Cohen: What routine pharmacologic therapy are you currently using in your lab for patients with acute myocardial infarction? Do you use anything in a routine fashion, or do you restore blood flow and see what happens? Are you routinely...
Howard Cohen: What routine pharmacologic therapy are you currently using in your lab for patients with acute myocardial infarction? Do you use anything in a routine fashion, or do you restore blood flow and see what happens? Are you routinely...
Howard Cohen: What routine...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
IAGS (International Andreas Gruentzig Society) Proceedings
Tim Fischell: Many centers have spent a lot of money on the 25 or so different distal protection devices available today. We are currently preparing a manuscript on a slightly different, simpler, and considerably less expensive approach to...
Tim Fischell: Many centers have spent a lot of money on the 25 or so different distal protection devices available today. We are currently preparing a manuscript on a slightly different, simpler, and considerably less expensive approach to...
Tim Fischell: Many centers have...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Moderator: Kirk Garratt Panel Members: Tom Linnemeier, Brian O’Murchu, Jeffrey Werner Tom Linnemeier: The best treatment option today for a true LAD diagonal bifurcation lesion is to place a stent in the LAD and dilate through the...
Moderator: Kirk Garratt Panel Members: Tom Linnemeier, Brian O’Murchu, Jeffrey Werner Tom Linnemeier: The best treatment option today for a true LAD diagonal bifurcation lesion is to place a stent in the LAD and dilate through the...
Moderator: Kirk Garratt Panel...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Original Contribution
A comparison of procedural success and safety of pericardiocentesis using continuous ultrasonographic visualization of a long (7 cm) micropuncture needle to standard access with an 18 gauge needle without continuous ultrasound guidance.
A comparison of procedural success and safety of pericardiocentesis using continuous ultrasonographic visualization of a long (7 cm) micropuncture needle to standard access with an 18 gauge needle without continuous ultrasound guidance.
A comparison of procedural...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Donald DiPetrillo, 70, fire chief of Seminole Fire Rescue, had been battling the novel coronavirus since March 12.
Donald DiPetrillo, 70, fire chief of Seminole Fire Rescue, had been battling the novel coronavirus since March 12.
Donald DiPetrillo, 70, fire...
Broward County fire rescue crews responded to the blast after an off-duty firefighter on scene called 9-1-1.
Broward County fire rescue crews responded to the blast after an off-duty firefighter on scene called 9-1-1.
Broward County fire rescue crews...
Jude figured that pressure applied rhythmically with the heel of the hand to the center of the chest could jump-start the heart and save lives.
Jude figured that pressure applied rhythmically with the heel of the hand to the center of the chest could jump-start the heart and save lives.
Jude figured that pressure...