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Figure 1. Sub-total occlusion of the proximal LAD

Konstantinos C. Theodoropoulos, MD, MSc; Maria-Anna Bazmpani, MD, MSc; Antonios Kouparanis, MD; Antonios Ziakas, MD, PhD; George Kassimis, MD, PhD

Konstantinos C. Theodoropoulos, MD, M...
Video Supplement to "Funny Coronary Arteriole Perforation Causes Tamponade Post-primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention" (February 2024 Clinical Image)
Video Supplement to "Funny Coronary Arteriole Perforation Causes Tamponade Post-primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention" (February 2024 Clinical Image)
Video Supplement to "Funny...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Clinical Images

Konstantinos C. Theodoropoulos, MD, MSc; Maria-Anna Bazmpani, MD, MSc; Antonios Kouparanis, MD; Antonios Ziakas, MD, PhD; George Kassimis, MD, PhD

Konstantinos C. Theodoropoulos, MD, M...
Emergency transradial coronary angiography in a 68-year-old woman demonstrated sub-total occlusion of the proximal left anterior descending artery. Wiring was challenging because of a funny arteriole network arising from the proximal left...
Emergency transradial coronary angiography in a 68-year-old woman demonstrated sub-total occlusion of the proximal left anterior descending artery. Wiring was challenging because of a funny arteriole network arising from the proximal left...
Emergency transradial coronary...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Clinical Images

Kewal Kanabar, MD1; Pooja Vyas, MD1; Akash Karwa, MD1; Megha Sheth, MD2; Sharad Jain, MD1

Kewal Kanabar, MD1; Pooja Vyas, MD1; ...
A 58-year-old male patient presented with anterior myocardial infarction after 36 hours of symptom onset. A transthoracic echocardiogram showed moderate left ventricular dysfunction (ejection fraction, 35%) and hypokinetic anteroseptum and...
A 58-year-old male patient presented with anterior myocardial infarction after 36 hours of symptom onset. A transthoracic echocardiogram showed moderate left ventricular dysfunction (ejection fraction, 35%) and hypokinetic anteroseptum and...
A 58-year-old male patient...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Clinical Images

Ana Rita M. Gomes MD1†*, MSc, Carolina Saleiro MD, MSc1*, Rogério Teixeira MD, PhD1,2, Maria Do Carmo Cachulo MD1, Lino Gonçalves MD, PhD1,2

Ana Rita M. Gomes MD1†*, MSc, Carolin...
A 79-year-old male with severe aortic stenosis was admitted with syncope and cranioencephalic traumatism with major nasal hemorrhage. While being prepared for surgical aortic valve replacement, a high-degree atrioventricular block was...
A 79-year-old male with severe aortic stenosis was admitted with syncope and cranioencephalic traumatism with major nasal hemorrhage. While being prepared for surgical aortic valve replacement, a high-degree atrioventricular block was...
A 79-year-old male with severe...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Accidental Cannulation of the Cardiac Venous System During Pericardiocentesis

Anunay Gupta, MBBS, MD, DM;  Sourabh Agstam, MBBS, MD, DM;  Dinkar Bhasin, MBBS, MD, DM;  Nitish Rai, MBBS, MD, DM;  Jeetesh Jain, MBBS, MD, DM;  H.S. Isser, MBBS, MD, DM;  Sandeep Bansal, MBBS, MD, DM

Anunay Gupta, MBBS, MD, DM;  Sourabh ...
A 52-year-old woman presented to another hospital with progressive dyspnea of 10-day duration. This case underscores the importance of image-guided pericardiocentesis.
A 52-year-old woman presented to another hospital with progressive dyspnea of 10-day duration. This case underscores the importance of image-guided pericardiocentesis.
A 52-year-old woman presented to...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Single-Center Experience

Arvind Gireesh, MD, FACC, Shahnaz Punjani, MD, Joseph Hannan, MD, FACC, St. Vincent Hospital, Worcester, Massachusetts

Arvind Gireesh, MD, FACC, Shahnaz Pun...
We present a case series of the use of the 21-gauge micropuncture needle in successful pericardiocentesis.
We present a case series of the use of the 21-gauge micropuncture needle in successful pericardiocentesis.
We present a case series of the...
Cath Lab Digest
Clinical Images

Krishna Kumar Mohanan Nair, MBBS, MD, DM;  Arun Gopalakrishnan, MBBS, MD, DM;  Sanjay Ganapathi, MBBS, MD, DM;  Harikrishnan Sivadasanpillai, MBBS, MD, DM;  Ajitkumar Valaparambil, MBBS, MD, DM;  Jaganmohan Tharakan, MBBS, MD, DM

Krishna Kumar Mohanan Nair, MBBS, MD,...
Ventricular interdependence is a salient hemodynamic feature of cardiac tamponade that manifests as discordance between the left and right ventricles in filling and ejection on hemodynamic assessment. Ventricular interdependence can manifest...
Ventricular interdependence is a salient hemodynamic feature of cardiac tamponade that manifests as discordance between the left and right ventricles in filling and ejection on hemodynamic assessment. Ventricular interdependence can manifest...
Ventricular interdependence is a...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Original Contribution

Vladimir Lakhter, DO;  Vikas Aggarwal, MD, MPH;  Riyaz Bashir, MD;  Brian O‚ÄôMurchu, MD;  Howard A. Cohen, MD;  Brian P. O‚ÄôNeill, MD

Vladimir Lakhter, DO;  Vikas Aggarwal...
A comparison of procedural success and safety of pericardiocentesis using continuous ultrasonographic visualization of a long (7 cm) micropuncture needle to standard access with an 18 gauge needle without continuous ultrasound guidance.
A comparison of procedural success and safety of pericardiocentesis using continuous ultrasonographic visualization of a long (7 cm) micropuncture needle to standard access with an 18 gauge needle without continuous ultrasound guidance.
A comparison of procedural...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Original Contribution

Kenji Nakatsuma, MD1;  Erika Yamamoto, MD1;  Shin Watanabe, MD1;  Bingyuan Bao, MD1;  Hiroki Watanabe, MD1;  Yoshiaki Kawase, MD2;  Satoshi Shizuta, MD1;  Takeshi Kimura, MD1;  Naritatsu Saito, MD1

Kenji Nakatsuma, MD1;  Erika Yamamoto...
The present study assessed the feasibility of an originally developed ultrathin endoscopy-guided pericardiocentesis device in a swine model. 
The present study assessed the feasibility of an originally developed ultrathin endoscopy-guided pericardiocentesis device in a swine model. 
The present study assessed the...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology