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Original Research
Hong-Lin Chen
Ai-Gui Jiang
Bin Zhu
Ji-Yu Cai
Yi-Ping Song
The aim of this study is to investigate the risk factors of postoperative pressure ulcer (PU) development after liver resection with a long surgical duration.
The aim of this study is to investigate the risk factors of postoperative pressure ulcer (PU) development after liver resection with a long surgical duration.
The aim of this study is to...
Original Research
Xiao Shen
Tianfu Zhan
Dayong Wei
Hengshu Zhang
This retrospective study compares the efficacy and complications between NPWT and conventional mechanical fixation in skin grafts.
This retrospective study compares the efficacy and complications between NPWT and conventional mechanical fixation in skin grafts.
This retrospective study...
Case Report
Tania Benjamin
Rachel L Wattier
William Dominic
The authors report allografting in addition to systemic antifungals as an option for critically ill preterm neonates to decrease blood loss and risk of donor site infection.
The authors report allografting in addition to systemic antifungals as an option for critically ill preterm neonates to decrease blood loss and risk of donor site infection.
The authors report allografting...
Original Research
Masuo Hanada
Hideki Kadota
Sei Yoshida
Naohide Takeuchi
Takamitsu Okada
Yoshihiro Matsumoto
Yasuharu Nakashima
The purpose of this study is to elucidate the clinical results of large skin grafts after wide sarcoma resection by comparison with grafts for traumatic skin defects.
The purpose of this study is to elucidate the clinical results of large skin grafts after wide sarcoma resection by comparison with grafts for traumatic skin defects.
The purpose of this study is to...
Case Report and Brief Review
Delin Hu
Chengying Meng
Jiayan Hu
Yan Zhou
Shiping Lu
Youxin Yu
Linsen Fang
Yexiang Sun
This article describes 2 patients with deep electrical burns in the lower abdomen that showed extensive skin and soft tissue damage, partial necrosis of abdominal muscle tissue, and weak abdominal wall.
This article describes 2 patients with deep electrical burns in the lower abdomen that showed extensive skin and soft tissue damage, partial necrosis of abdominal muscle tissue, and weak abdominal wall.
This article describes 2...
Original Research
Chi-Yu Wang
Chien-Ju Wu
Yu-Jen Shih
Tzi-Shiang Chu
Hung-Hui Liu
Chun-Yu Chen
Kuo-Feng Hsu
Shyi-Gen Chen
Yuan-Sheng Tzeng
The authors report the use of a pedicled anterolateral thigh (pALT) myocutaneous flap as an alternative for covering an ischial pressure ulcer.
The authors report the use of a pedicled anterolateral thigh (pALT) myocutaneous flap as an alternative for covering an ischial pressure ulcer.
The authors report the use of a...
Case Series
Dinakar Golla
Dorothy H. Kurtz Phelan
The aim of this study is to evaluate the outcomes associated with the use of a cryopreserved placental membrane containing viable cells (vCPM) graft for the augmentation of surgical flap closure in nonhealing perineal ulcers.
The aim of this study is to evaluate the outcomes associated with the use of a cryopreserved placental membrane containing viable cells (vCPM) graft for the augmentation of surgical flap closure in nonhealing perineal ulcers.
The aim of this study is to...
Case Series
Walter D'Costa
Dorothy H. Kurtz Phelan
The objective of this retrospective case series is to evaluate the safety and efficacy of a viable cryopreserved placental membrane (vCPM) in 12 patients with 16 wounds of mixed etiologies when surgically debrided and augmented with vCPM 1...
The objective of this retrospective case series is to evaluate the safety and efficacy of a viable cryopreserved placental membrane (vCPM) in 12 patients with 16 wounds of mixed etiologies when surgically debrided and augmented with vCPM 1...
The objective of this...
Case Series
BACKGROUND: Heel ulcers are often seen in fragile patients with various trials such as comorbidities, chronicity of the ulcer, anatomy and location, appropriate offloading, mechanical issues, and even social circumstances. Heel ulcers are one...
BACKGROUND: Heel ulcers are often seen in fragile patients with various trials such as comorbidities, chronicity of the ulcer, anatomy and location, appropriate offloading, mechanical issues, and even social circumstances. Heel ulcers are one...
BACKGROUND: Heel ulcers are...
Case Report and Brief Review
Bryce French
Katherine Mandel
Ryan Martinez
The authors report a case of an invasive Aspergillus fumigatus infection following a subtotal colectomy for toxic megacolon. The patient was on antibiotics following the operation and chronic immunosuppression with steroids and infliximab....
The authors report a case of an invasive Aspergillus fumigatus infection following a subtotal colectomy for toxic megacolon. The patient was on antibiotics following the operation and chronic immunosuppression with steroids and infliximab....
The authors report a case of an...