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Stephen M. Milner

Case Q&A
Stephen M. Milner
This Case Q&A on sunburn discusses its pathophysiology, treatment options, the role of ultraviolet radiation, and the evolutionary benefit of skin pigmentation.
This Case Q&A on sunburn discusses its pathophysiology, treatment options, the role of ultraviolet radiation, and the evolutionary benefit of skin pigmentation.
This Case Q&A on sunburn...
Case Q&A
Stephen M. Milner
Allograft skin for burn care is presented for a 35-year-old male who was admitted to the burn center after he threw gasoline onto a bonfire.
Allograft skin for burn care is presented for a 35-year-old male who was admitted to the burn center after he threw gasoline onto a bonfire.
Allograft skin for burn care is...
Case Q&A
Stephen M. Milner
A 35-year-old male was 1 of 6 men injured when a grain silo exploded and was treated with a split-thickness skin graft.
A 35-year-old male was 1 of 6 men injured when a grain silo exploded and was treated with a split-thickness skin graft.
A 35-year-old male was 1 of 6...
Case Q&A
Stephen M. Milner
A 2-year-old girl sustained mixed second- and third-degree burns to 37% of her body after accidentally tipping a pan of hot oil over herself.
A 2-year-old girl sustained mixed second- and third-degree burns to 37% of her body after accidentally tipping a pan of hot oil over herself.
A 2-year-old girl sustained...
Case Q&A
Stephen M. Milner
A 36-year-old male was rescued by firefighters from a house fire and sustained deep burns to 60% of his body surface area, including his head and neck.
A 36-year-old male was rescued by firefighters from a house fire and sustained deep burns to 60% of his body surface area, including his head and neck.
A 36-year-old male was rescued...
Case Q&A
Stephen M. Milner
This Case Q&A presents a scald burn in a 3-year-old and discusses the mechanism of injury, the options available for management, the scientific evidence supporting the retention and debridement of blisters, and what features suggest...
This Case Q&A presents a scald burn in a 3-year-old and discusses the mechanism of injury, the options available for management, the scientific evidence supporting the retention and debridement of blisters, and what features suggest...
This Case Q&A presents a scald...
Michele A. Manahan
Stephen M. Milner
A comparison is made between preoperative evaluation, reconstruction, and outcome in the era of Sir Harold Gillies, one hundred years ago, and those of today.
A comparison is made between preoperative evaluation, reconstruction, and outcome in the era of Sir Harold Gillies, one hundred years ago, and those of today.
A comparison is made between...