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hyaluronic acid

Use of Hyaluronic Acid-Based Biological Bilaminar Matrix in Wound Bed Preparation: A Case Series
Original Research
In a series of 12 patients with a variety of surgical and, mostly, very serious and complex wounds, the combination of thorough debridement and the creation of granulating wound bed through the application of eHAM allowed for rapid and...
In a series of 12 patients with a variety of surgical and, mostly, very serious and complex wounds, the combination of thorough debridement and the creation of granulating wound bed through the application of eHAM allowed for rapid and...
In a series of 12 patients with...
Restoring a Musician’s Career: The Use of AlloDerm and a Local Advancement Flap in Lip Augmentation
Restoring a Musician's Career: The Use of AlloDerm and a Local Advancement Flap in Lip Augmentation James Lee, MD,a Elisa K. Atamian, MS,a and Christopher R. Babycos, MD, FACSa,b aDivision of Plastic Surgery, Department of...
Restoring a Musician's Career: The Use of AlloDerm and a Local Advancement Flap in Lip Augmentation James Lee, MD,a Elisa K. Atamian, MS,a and Christopher R. Babycos, MD, FACSa,b aDivision of Plastic Surgery, Department of...
Restoring a Musician's...
Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerance of a New Injection Technique for High- and Low-Molecular-Weight Hyaluronic Acid Hybrid Complexes Carmen Laurino, MSc,a Beniamino Palmieri, MD,a and Alessandro Coacci, MDb aDepartment of General...
Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerance of a New Injection Technique for High- and Low-Molecular-Weight Hyaluronic Acid Hybrid Complexes Carmen Laurino, MSc,a Beniamino Palmieri, MD,a and Alessandro Coacci, MDb aDepartment of General...
Efficacy, Safety, and...