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Use of Hyaluronic Acid-Based Biological Bilaminar Matrix in Wound Bed Preparation: A Case Series
Original Research
In a series of 12 patients with a variety of surgical and, mostly, very serious and complex wounds, the combination of thorough debridement and the creation of granulating wound bed through the application of eHAM allowed for rapid and...
In a series of 12 patients with a variety of surgical and, mostly, very serious and complex wounds, the combination of thorough debridement and the creation of granulating wound bed through the application of eHAM allowed for rapid and...
In a series of 12 patients with...
Background: Potent antimicrobial dressings are required to effectively combat biofilm infections; however, their potent nature should not adversely affect the wound environment. Ag Oxyalt...
Background: The impact of layering different compression textiles is well published in the compression literature. Review of the compression literature supports multi-layer comp...