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Richard J. Frink, MD

Original Contribution
ABSTRACT: Background. Gender differences that exist in patients with acute coronary disease (ACD) are unexplained. We sought to determine if these differences could be related to differences in the pathologic substrate found in the coronary...
ABSTRACT: Background. Gender differences that exist in patients with acute coronary disease (ACD) are unexplained. We sought to determine if these differences could be related to differences in the pathologic substrate found in the coronary...
ABSTRACT: Background. Gender...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Original Contribution
ABSTRACT: Background. Currently, there are no available methods that can reliably predict when or if an atheroma will rupture. Recent reports suggest cholesterol crystals (CCs), present within the necrotic core, are sharp and can penetrate...
ABSTRACT: Background. Currently, there are no available methods that can reliably predict when or if an atheroma will rupture. Recent reports suggest cholesterol crystals (CCs), present within the necrotic core, are sharp and can penetrate...
ABSTRACT: Background. Currently,...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology