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Jonathan P. Piccini, Sr., MD, MHS, FHRS

Cover Story
Remote monitoring has evolved significantly since its inception. Not too long ago, remote monitoring represented a convenient alternative to frequent visits to the arrhythmia clinic. However, now remote monitoring is a class I recommendation...
Remote monitoring has evolved significantly since its inception. Not too long ago, remote monitoring represented a convenient alternative to frequent visits to the arrhythmia clinic. However, now remote monitoring is a class I recommendation...
Remote monitoring has evolved...
EP Lab Digest
Early Experience
Ultra-high density high-resolution mapping should help facilitate the understanding of the underlying anatomic or mechanistic basis of arrhythmia by facilitating the visualization of arrhythmia circuits. 
Ultra-high density high-resolution mapping should help facilitate the understanding of the underlying anatomic or mechanistic basis of arrhythmia by facilitating the visualization of arrhythmia circuits. 
Ultra-high density...
EP Lab Digest