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Nishith H. Vayada, MD

Transradial Series
In procedures requiring LV mechanical circulatory support, high-risk PCI via transradial access is feasible, and might even be preferred over a “bi-femoral” approach.
In procedures requiring LV mechanical circulatory support, high-risk PCI via transradial access is feasible, and might even be preferred over a “bi-femoral” approach.
In procedures requiring LV...
Cath Lab Digest
Transradial Series
For bypass graft angiography, left radial artery (LRA) access has been recommended as a default access site, as the majority of these patients have an in situ left internal mammary artery (IMA) bypass graft.
For bypass graft angiography, left radial artery (LRA) access has been recommended as a default access site, as the majority of these patients have an in situ left internal mammary artery (IMA) bypass graft.
For bypass graft angiography,...
Cath Lab Digest
Case Report
We describe a simple technique using room-temperature saline bolus injection to facilitate RHC passage from RA to RV.
We describe a simple technique using room-temperature saline bolus injection to facilitate RHC passage from RA to RV.
We describe a simple technique...
EP Lab Digest
Original Contribution
We describe a simple technique that significantly improves the probability of successful passage of right heart catheter from RA to RV. 
We describe a simple technique that significantly improves the probability of successful passage of right heart catheter from RA to RV. 
We describe a simple technique...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology