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Samir Dabbous, MD, FACC

This case demonstrates that a high-risk procedure can be done with very minimal risk, especially if all the factors that would promote a successful procedure are favorable, and as long as the procedure is performed in a setting where the...
This case demonstrates that a high-risk procedure can be done with very minimal risk, especially if all the factors that would promote a successful procedure are favorable, and as long as the procedure is performed in a setting where the...
This case demonstrates that a...
Cath Lab Digest
Tips and Techniques
This case illustrates the benefits of using the angioplasty coronary wire as means for pacing the right ventricle without necessarily requiring a temporary pacemaker insertion into the right ventricle.
This case illustrates the benefits of using the angioplasty coronary wire as means for pacing the right ventricle without necessarily requiring a temporary pacemaker insertion into the right ventricle.
This case illustrates the...
Cath Lab Digest