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Ryokuya Ban, MD, PhD

A Contractile Network of Interstitial Cells of Cajal  in the Supratarsal Mueller’s Smooth Muscle Fibers With Sparse Sympathetic Innervation
A Contractile Network of Interstitial Cells of Cajal in the Supratarsal Mueller's Smooth Muscle Fibers With Sparse Sympathetic Innervation Shunsuke Yuzuriha, MD, PhD,a Kiyoshi Matsuo, MD, PhD,a Ryokuya Ban, MD, PhD,a Shiharu Yano,...
A Contractile Network of Interstitial Cells of Cajal in the Supratarsal Mueller's Smooth Muscle Fibers With Sparse Sympathetic Innervation Shunsuke Yuzuriha, MD, PhD,a Kiyoshi Matsuo, MD, PhD,a Ryokuya Ban, MD, PhD,a Shiharu Yano,...
A Contractile Network of...
Desensitization of the Mechanoreceptors in Muller's Muscle Reduces the Increased Reflex Contraction of the Orbicularis Oculi Slow-Twitch Fibers in Blepharospasm
Desensitization of the Mechanoreceptors in Müller's Muscle Reduces the Increased Reflex Contraction of the Orbicularis Oculi Slow-Twitch Fibers in Blepharospasm Kiyoshi Matsuo, MD, PhD, Ryokuya Ban, MD, PhD, and Midori Ban,...
Desensitization of the Mechanoreceptors in Müller's Muscle Reduces the Increased Reflex Contraction of the Orbicularis Oculi Slow-Twitch Fibers in Blepharospasm Kiyoshi Matsuo, MD, PhD, Ryokuya Ban, MD, PhD, and Midori Ban,...
Desensitization of the...
Trigeminal Proprioception Evoked by Strong Stretching of the Mechanoreceptors in Muller's Muscle Induces Reflex Contraction of the Orbital Orbicularis Oculi Slow-Twitch Muscle Fibers
Trigeminal Proprioception Evoked by Strong Stretching of the Mechanoreceptors in Müller's Muscle Induces Reflex Contraction of the Orbital Orbicularis Oculi Slow-Twitch Muscle Fibers Kiyoshi Matsuo, MD, PhD, Ryokuya Ban, MD, PhD,...
Trigeminal Proprioception Evoked by Strong Stretching of the Mechanoreceptors in Müller's Muscle Induces Reflex Contraction of the Orbital Orbicularis Oculi Slow-Twitch Muscle Fibers Kiyoshi Matsuo, MD, PhD, Ryokuya Ban, MD, PhD,...
Trigeminal Proprioception...
Eyebrow Ptosis After Blowout Fracture Indicates Impairment of Trigeminal Proprioceptive Evocation That Induces Reflex Contraction of the Frontalis Muscle
Eyebrow Ptosis After Blowout Fracture Indicates Impairment of Trigeminal Proprioceptive Evocation That Induces Reflex Contraction of the Frontalis Muscle Ryokuya Ban, MD, PhD, Kiyoshi Matsuo, MD, PhD, Midori Ban, MD, and Shunsuke...
Eyebrow Ptosis After Blowout Fracture Indicates Impairment of Trigeminal Proprioceptive Evocation That Induces Reflex Contraction of the Frontalis Muscle Ryokuya Ban, MD, PhD, Kiyoshi Matsuo, MD, PhD, Midori Ban, MD, and Shunsuke...
Eyebrow Ptosis After Blowout...
Electromyographic Comparison of Forearm Muscle Movements for Fine Skin Suturing Between an Enlarged Pen Needle Holder and a Webster Needle Holder Erika Ohata, MD, Kiyoshi Matsuo, MD, PhD, Ryokuya Ban, MD, PhD, Masato Shiba, MD, PhD,...
Electromyographic Comparison of Forearm Muscle Movements for Fine Skin Suturing Between an Enlarged Pen Needle Holder and a Webster Needle Holder Erika Ohata, MD, Kiyoshi Matsuo, MD, PhD, Ryokuya Ban, MD, PhD, Masato Shiba, MD, PhD,...
Electromyographic Comparison...
Developed Lower-Positioned Transverse Ligament Restricts Eyelid Opening and Folding and Determines Japanese as Being With or Without Visible Superior Palpebral Crease Midori Ban, MD,a Kiyoshi Matsuo, MD, PhD,a Ryokuya Ban, MD, PhD,a...
Developed Lower-Positioned Transverse Ligament Restricts Eyelid Opening and Folding and Determines Japanese as Being With or Without Visible Superior Palpebral Crease Midori Ban, MD,a Kiyoshi Matsuo, MD, PhD,a Ryokuya Ban, MD, PhD,a...
Developed Lower-Positioned...