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David Turpie, MBChB, MRCP, BSc

An Ace Angiographic Diagnosis
Cath Lab Spotlight
Interventional cardiologists should maintain awareness of extracardiac structures when undertaking cardiac catheterization, as pathology outside of the coronary arteries may be identified.
Interventional cardiologists should maintain awareness of extracardiac structures when undertaking cardiac catheterization, as pathology outside of the coronary arteries may be identified.
Interventional cardiologists...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
An Ace Angiographic Diagnosis
Clinical Images
Interventional cardiologists should maintain awareness of extracardiac structures when undertaking cardiac catheterization, as pathology outside of the coronary arteries may be identified.
Interventional cardiologists should maintain awareness of extracardiac structures when undertaking cardiac catheterization, as pathology outside of the coronary arteries may be identified.
Interventional cardiologists...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology