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Joao A.C. Lima, MD

Advances in Vein Therapy
We reviewed 100 cardiac multidetector computed tomography scans of patients undergoing AF ablation to determine if the angulation and orientation of the interatrial septum are conserved or variable. Significant variability may suggest a...
We reviewed 100 cardiac multidetector computed tomography scans of patients undergoing AF ablation to determine if the angulation and orientation of the interatrial septum are conserved or variable. Significant variability may suggest a...
We reviewed 100 cardiac...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Rapid Communication
Introduction and Purpose The consensus statement outlined here was formulated following a roundtable meeting among clinical experts in the fields of radiology and cardiology held in Miami, Florida, in June 2007. This group was gathered under...
Introduction and Purpose The consensus statement outlined here was formulated following a roundtable meeting among clinical experts in the fields of radiology and cardiology held in Miami, Florida, in June 2007. This group was gathered under...
Introduction and Purpose The...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology