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Alan Cheng, MD, FACC, FAHA, FHRS

Advances in Vein Therapy
We reviewed 100 cardiac multidetector computed tomography scans of patients undergoing AF ablation to determine if the angulation and orientation of the interatrial septum are conserved or variable. Significant variability may suggest a...
We reviewed 100 cardiac multidetector computed tomography scans of patients undergoing AF ablation to determine if the angulation and orientation of the interatrial septum are conserved or variable. Significant variability may suggest a...
We reviewed 100 cardiac...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Cover Story
The implications of better understanding this relationship are substantial, because they will directly impact the way in which we manage the use of anticoagulants in AF patients.
The implications of better understanding this relationship are substantial, because they will directly impact the way in which we manage the use of anticoagulants in AF patients.
The implications of better...
EP Lab Digest