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Damian P. Redfearn, MD

Cover Story
The introduction of electroanatomic guidance technology resulted in a paradigm shift in delivery of therapy for arrhythmia care. Advances in computer processing and electrical engineering have led to ever more complex and useful tools for the...
The introduction of electroanatomic guidance technology resulted in a paradigm shift in delivery of therapy for arrhythmia care. Advances in computer processing and electrical engineering have led to ever more complex and useful tools for the...
The introduction of...
EP Lab Digest
Case Study
This case illustrates an inadvertent puncture into the aortic root at transseptal puncture, including measures that can be taken to avoid a residual aorto-atrial shunt and possible need for surgical repair.
This case illustrates an inadvertent puncture into the aortic root at transseptal puncture, including measures that can be taken to avoid a residual aorto-atrial shunt and possible need for surgical repair.
This case illustrates an...
EP Lab Digest