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Herbert J. Semler, MD, MS

Today’s invasive vascular procedures demand trustworthy documentation of adequate collateral flow in the human palmar arch. For years, the modified Allen’s test1 served as the quick bedside test of radial and ulnar collateral flow to the...
Today’s invasive vascular procedures demand trustworthy documentation of adequate collateral flow in the human palmar arch. For years, the modified Allen’s test1 served as the quick bedside test of radial and ulnar collateral flow to the...
Today’s invasive vascular...
Cath Lab Digest
St. Vincent’s Hospital Manhattan has a cardiology program that includes an extensive cardiac catheterization service. With three cath labs, St. Vincent’s performs approximately 4,500 procedures per year, of which one third are interventions. ...
St. Vincent’s Hospital Manhattan has a cardiology program that includes an extensive cardiac catheterization service. With three cath labs, St. Vincent’s performs approximately 4,500 procedures per year, of which one third are interventions. ...
St. Vincent’s Hospital Manhattan...
Cath Lab Digest
St. Vincent’s Hospital Manhattan has a cardiology program that includes an extensive cardiac catheterization service. With three cath labs, St. Vincent’s performs approximately 4,500 procedures per year, of which one third are interventions. ...
St. Vincent’s Hospital Manhattan has a cardiology program that includes an extensive cardiac catheterization service. With three cath labs, St. Vincent’s performs approximately 4,500 procedures per year, of which one third are interventions. ...
St. Vincent’s Hospital Manhattan...
Cath Lab Digest