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Tomoaki Hinohara, MD

Original Contribution
Approximately 7 million angiograms and interventional procedures are performed worldwide each year, and the incidence of these procedures continues to rise, particularly in developing countries. The vast majority of these procedures are...
Approximately 7 million angiograms and interventional procedures are performed worldwide each year, and the incidence of these procedures continues to rise, particularly in developing countries. The vast majority of these procedures are...
Approximately 7 million...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Original Contribution
Abstract: Objective. To present results of a registry of a novel vascular access device. Background. Arterial access has been largely unchanged for 60 years. The Arstasis device creates a novel shallow-angle arterial access designed to...
Abstract: Objective. To present results of a registry of a novel vascular access device. Background. Arterial access has been largely unchanged for 60 years. The Arstasis device creates a novel shallow-angle arterial access designed to...
Abstract: Objective. To present...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology