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Daniel T. Lee, MD

Original Contribution
Approximately 7 million angiograms and interventional procedures are performed worldwide each year, and the incidence of these procedures continues to rise, particularly in developing countries. The vast majority of these procedures are...
Approximately 7 million angiograms and interventional procedures are performed worldwide each year, and the incidence of these procedures continues to rise, particularly in developing countries. The vast majority of these procedures are...
Approximately 7 million...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Letter from the Editor
Introduction Standard of care at most hospitals and interventional cardiology practices is for the attending physician (or fellow) to perform the femoral artery puncture required for vascular access. The advent of vascular closure devices...
Introduction Standard of care at most hospitals and interventional cardiology practices is for the attending physician (or fellow) to perform the femoral artery puncture required for vascular access. The advent of vascular closure devices...
Introduction Standard of care...
Cath Lab Digest