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Richard J. Merschen, EdS, MS, RT(R)(CV), RCIS

Clinical Review
Abstract Numerous access and sheath options are available to the interventional cardiologist when performing percutaneous transcatheter procedures. Depending on the procedure, the radial, brachial, or femoral access routes may be used for...
Abstract Numerous access and sheath options are available to the interventional cardiologist when performing percutaneous transcatheter procedures. Depending on the procedure, the radial, brachial, or femoral access routes may be used for...
Abstract Numerous access and...
Cath Lab Digest
A 51-year-old white male presented to the cardiac cath lab with a recent, progressive history of shortness of breath, chest pain on exertion, and fatigue. 
A 51-year-old white male presented to the cardiac cath lab with a recent, progressive history of shortness of breath, chest pain on exertion, and fatigue. 
A 51-year-old white male...
Cath Lab Digest
Cath Lab Management
Abstract Quality control is essential to providing optimal staff and patient safety, as well as the best procedural outcomes possible. While it may seem tedious and mundane at times, high-caliber quality control is necessary to keep the lab...
Abstract Quality control is essential to providing optimal staff and patient safety, as well as the best procedural outcomes possible. While it may seem tedious and mundane at times, high-caliber quality control is necessary to keep the lab...
Abstract Quality control is...
Cath Lab Digest
The diagnosis for this patient is…
The diagnosis for this patient is…
The diagnosis for this patient...
Cath Lab Digest
Outside the Cath Lab
AbstractBefore patients enter the cardiac cath lab for a procedure, almost all have undergone one or more diagnostic tests, imaging studies, an electrocardiogram (ECG), or blood work such as serum troponin levels to confirm the likelihood of...
AbstractBefore patients enter the cardiac cath lab for a procedure, almost all have undergone one or more diagnostic tests, imaging studies, an electrocardiogram (ECG), or blood work such as serum troponin levels to confirm the likelihood of...
AbstractBefore patients enter...
Cath Lab Digest
Cardiovascular Care
This review discusses cardiovascular disease risk factors and special considerations for women, including unique issues related to estrogen, menopause, and pregnancy.
This review discusses cardiovascular disease risk factors and special considerations for women, including unique issues related to estrogen, menopause, and pregnancy.
This review discusses...
Cath Lab Digest
Pulmonary hypertension (PHTN) is an abnormal elevation in pulmonary artery pressure and may be an idiopathic presentation, the result of left heart failure, pulmonary vascular disease, thromboembolic events, interstitial lung diseases, or a...
Pulmonary hypertension (PHTN) is an abnormal elevation in pulmonary artery pressure and may be an idiopathic presentation, the result of left heart failure, pulmonary vascular disease, thromboembolic events, interstitial lung diseases, or a...
Pulmonary hypertension (PHTN) is...
Cath Lab Digest
The elderly represent the fastest-growing group of patients referred for cardiac surgery and are also becoming an increasingly large segment of the patients in the cath lab.
The elderly represent the fastest-growing group of patients referred for cardiac surgery and are also becoming an increasingly large segment of the patients in the cath lab.
The elderly represent the...
Cath Lab Digest
Due to the location and severity of the disease in the SVG to the circumflex artery, the procedure was stopped, and a multi-disciplinary strategy was coordinated to revascularize the patient.
Due to the location and severity of the disease in the SVG to the circumflex artery, the procedure was stopped, and a multi-disciplinary strategy was coordinated to revascularize the patient.
Due to the location and severity...
Cath Lab Digest
Diabetes is a major co-morbidity of cardiovascular disease and is closely linked to other co-morbidities like hypertension and chronic kidney disease.
Diabetes is a major co-morbidity of cardiovascular disease and is closely linked to other co-morbidities like hypertension and chronic kidney disease.
Diabetes is a major co-morbidity...
Cath Lab Digest