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Eric W. Schneeberger, MD

Original Contribution
Abstract: Objectives and Background. Decisions based on invasive functional diagnostic measurements are often made in the setting of fluctuating hemodynamic variables that may alter resting or hyperemic measurements. The purpose of this...
Abstract: Objectives and Background. Decisions based on invasive functional diagnostic measurements are often made in the setting of fluctuating hemodynamic variables that may alter resting or hyperemic measurements. The purpose of this...
Abstract: Objectives and...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Original Contribution
ABSTRACT: Background. Simultaneously measured pressure and flow distal to coronary stenoses can be combined, in conjunction with anatomical measurements, to assess the status of both the epicardial and microvascular circulations. Methods and...
ABSTRACT: Background. Simultaneously measured pressure and flow distal to coronary stenoses can be combined, in conjunction with anatomical measurements, to assess the status of both the epicardial and microvascular circulations. Methods and...
ABSTRACT: Background....
Journal of Invasive Cardiology