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Swapnil D. Kachare, MD, MBA

Original Research
Breast reconstruction in the obese patient is often fraught with poor patient satisfaction due to inadequate volume restoration. This study sought to determine the safety and efficacy of off-label hyperinflation of saline implants for breast...
Breast reconstruction in the obese patient is often fraught with poor patient satisfaction due to inadequate volume restoration. This study sought to determine the safety and efficacy of off-label hyperinflation of saline implants for breast...
Breast reconstruction in the...
Original Research
This 13-year series supports the efficacy of a LDM flap and an ADM in implant-based breast reconstruction utilized in combination to provide an aesthetic result while mitigating implant malposition during breast reconstruction of oncologic...
This 13-year series supports the efficacy of a LDM flap and an ADM in implant-based breast reconstruction utilized in combination to provide an aesthetic result while mitigating implant malposition during breast reconstruction of oncologic...
This 13-year series supports the...
Original Research
This article describes 5 technical steps to eliminate the dog-ear in patients undergoing vertical mammoplasties.
This article describes 5 technical steps to eliminate the dog-ear in patients undergoing vertical mammoplasties.
This article describes 5...
Case Q&A
A 23-year-old man presented after a mortar misfired and propelled the ignited aerial shell of a firework toward his face, becoming lodged in his left jaw.
A 23-year-old man presented after a mortar misfired and propelled the ignited aerial shell of a firework toward his face, becoming lodged in his left jaw.
A 23-year-old man presented...
Interesting Cases
Complete self-inflicted penile amputation is an infrequent surgical and psychiatric emergency.This case series highlights the importance of understanding penile anatomy as well as specific pearls to a successful replantation. The outline...
Complete self-inflicted penile amputation is an infrequent surgical and psychiatric emergency.This case series highlights the importance of understanding penile anatomy as well as specific pearls to a successful replantation. The outline...
Complete self-inflicted penile...
Optimal Inframammary Fold Incision Length Based on Implant Volume for Breast Enlargement: A Cadaveric Study
Original Research
Our study is the first, to date, to measure optimal incisional length for increasing Mentor smooth, round, moderate plus silicone implant volumes.
Our study is the first, to date, to measure optimal incisional length for increasing Mentor smooth, round, moderate plus silicone implant volumes.
Our study is the first, to date,...
Case Q&A
This Case Q&A discusses puffy hand syndrome, including its presentation, diagnosis, treatment, and long-term complications.
This Case Q&A discusses puffy hand syndrome, including its presentation, diagnosis, treatment, and long-term complications.
This Case Q&A discusses puffy...
Breast Reconstruction With Local Flaps: Don’t Forget Grandma
Demonstrate the utility of RPFs in OBS via a case series involving 5 patients who underwent lumpectomy or resection of cutaneous lesions with reconstruction via 3 different iterations of RPFs.
Demonstrate the utility of RPFs in OBS via a case series involving 5 patients who underwent lumpectomy or resection of cutaneous lesions with reconstruction via 3 different iterations of RPFs.
Demonstrate the utility of RPFs...
Earplug Umbilicoplasty: A Simple Method to Prevent Umbilical Stenosis in a Tummy Tuck Swapnil Kachare, MD, MBA,a Christina Kapsalis, BS,b Milind Kachare, MD,c Andrea Hiller, BS,b Sara Abell, BS,b Thomas J. Lee, MD,a and Bradon J....
Earplug Umbilicoplasty: A Simple Method to Prevent Umbilical Stenosis in a Tummy Tuck Swapnil Kachare, MD, MBA,a Christina Kapsalis, BS,b Milind Kachare, MD,c Andrea Hiller, BS,b Sara Abell, BS,b Thomas J. Lee, MD,a and Bradon J....
Earplug Umbilicoplasty: A...
Kickstand External Fixator for Immobilization Following Free Flap Plantar Calcaneal Reconstruction Swapnil D. Kachare, MD,a Bradley J. Vivace, BS,b Joshua T. Henderson, MD,a Milind Kachare, MD,c Christina Kapsalis, BS,b Jamie L....
Kickstand External Fixator for Immobilization Following Free Flap Plantar Calcaneal Reconstruction Swapnil D. Kachare, MD,a Bradley J. Vivace, BS,b Joshua T. Henderson, MD,a Milind Kachare, MD,c Christina Kapsalis, BS,b Jamie L....
Kickstand External Fixator...