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Lia van Rijswijk, DNP, RN, CWCN

Editor's Opinion
Sharing what we know comes naturally to health care professionals. We share what we know with patients, caregivers, colleagues, and students, not to mention our relatives, neighbors, friends, and acquaintances looking for a second (or first)...
Sharing what we know comes naturally to health care professionals. We share what we know with patients, caregivers, colleagues, and students, not to mention our relatives, neighbors, friends, and acquaintances looking for a second (or first)...
Sharing what we know comes...
Wound Management & Prevention
Editor's Opinion
Everyone who had the honor and pleasure of working with Barbara Braden experienced her thoughtfulness, kindness, and generosity of spirit. She readily shared everything she knew to improve patient care. Since learning that Barbara was ill, I...
Everyone who had the honor and pleasure of working with Barbara Braden experienced her thoughtfulness, kindness, and generosity of spirit. She readily shared everything she knew to improve patient care. Since learning that Barbara was ill, I...
Everyone who had the honor and...
Wound Management & Prevention
Just when many of us thought we saw a light at the end of the COVID-19 pandemic tunnel, the rate of immunizations declined and a more contagious variant of the virus found enough susceptible hosts to start another wave of illness and death....
Just when many of us thought we saw a light at the end of the COVID-19 pandemic tunnel, the rate of immunizations declined and a more contagious variant of the virus found enough susceptible hosts to start another wave of illness and death....
Just when many of us thought we...
Wound Management & Prevention
Lia van Rijswijk, DNP, RN, CWCN, Clinical Editor, offers words of hope about low-tech, low-cost treatments and new funding for wound healing and care. 
Lia van Rijswijk, DNP, RN, CWCN, Clinical Editor, offers words of hope about low-tech, low-cost treatments and new funding for wound healing and care. 
Lia van Rijswijk, DNP, RN, CWCN,...
Wound Management & Prevention
Lia van Rijswijk describes her journey with Wound Management & Prevention.
Lia van Rijswijk describes her journey with Wound Management & Prevention.
Lia van Rijswijk describes her...
Wound Management & Prevention
Letter from the Editor
From March 30-April 3, more than 2,000 student nurses and nursing faculty will attend the National Student Nurses’ Association 64th Annual Convention in Orlando, FL. Thinking about this event presents the perfect time for student nurses,...
From March 30-April 3, more than 2,000 student nurses and nursing faculty will attend the National Student Nurses’ Association 64th Annual Convention in Orlando, FL. Thinking about this event presents the perfect time for student nurses,...
From March 30-April 3, more than...
Today's Wound Clinic
The author reminds us of the importance of science and data to guide efforts to bend disastrous curves and provide solutions to seemingly insurmountable problems.
The author reminds us of the importance of science and data to guide efforts to bend disastrous curves and provide solutions to seemingly insurmountable problems.
The author reminds us of the...
Wound Management & Prevention
More than 16 months into the SARS-COVID-19 pandemic we have learned a great deal, but there is still more ahead of us.
More than 16 months into the SARS-COVID-19 pandemic we have learned a great deal, but there is still more ahead of us.
More than 16 months into the...
Wound Management & Prevention