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Diane L. Krasner, PhD, RN, FAAN, FAAWC, MAPWCA, CWCN

Letter from the Editor
From March 30-April 3, more than 2,000 student nurses and nursing faculty will attend the National Student Nurses’ Association 64th Annual Convention in Orlando, FL. Thinking about this event presents the perfect time for student nurses,...
From March 30-April 3, more than 2,000 student nurses and nursing faculty will attend the National Student Nurses’ Association 64th Annual Convention in Orlando, FL. Thinking about this event presents the perfect time for student nurses,...
From March 30-April 3, more than...
Today's Wound Clinic
2020: The Year of the Nurse and Midwife and the COVID-19 Pandemic: What it May Mean for the Wound Care Community
Guest Editorial
How ironic that the Year of the Nurse and Midwife, designated in honor of the 200th anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale (May 12, 1820), has turned out to be the year of the global COVID-19 pandemic. Flo is looking down from...
How ironic that the Year of the Nurse and Midwife, designated in honor of the 200th anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale (May 12, 1820), has turned out to be the year of the global COVID-19 pandemic. Flo is looking down from...
How ironic that the Year of the...
Wound Management & Prevention
For Better and for Worse … How COVID-19 Has Changed Skin and Wound Management in Post-Acute Care—Forever
Conference Insights
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the world in 2020. It also has created “the perfect storm for skin and wound issues.”1 Our presentation at SAWC Fall Virtual takes a closer look at how the coronavirus has changed skin and wound care,...
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the world in 2020. It also has created “the perfect storm for skin and wound issues.”1 Our presentation at SAWC Fall Virtual takes a closer look at how the coronavirus has changed skin and wound care,...
The COVID-19 pandemic has...
Wound Care
Guest Editorial
The author shares the story of her long and special relationship with the pioneer of ET/WOC nursing, Norma Gill.
The author shares the story of her long and special relationship with the pioneer of ET/WOC nursing, Norma Gill.
The author shares the story of...
Wound Management & Prevention
The term “quality of life” first appeared in the US in the 1950s as a slogan to represent “the good life.” More recently, it has become part of a holistic view of the individual within the healthcare system.
The term “quality of life” first appeared in the US in the 1950s as a slogan to represent “the good life.” More recently, it has become part of a holistic view of the individual within the healthcare system.
The term “quality of life” first...
Today's Wound Clinic
Introduction: In the United States, the prevalence of chronic wounds is estimated to be around 6.5 million. Research suggests that at least 50% of these patients do not receive evidence-b...