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Levester Kirksey, MD

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Treatment for peripheral arterial disease (PAD) and particularly critical limb ischemia (CLI) involves the collaboration of a multidisciplinary team and consideration of both new and existing interventions. These authors explore the potential...
Treatment for peripheral arterial disease (PAD) and particularly critical limb ischemia (CLI) involves the collaboration of a multidisciplinary team and consideration of both new and existing interventions. These authors explore the potential...
Treatment for peripheral...
Podiatry Today
Rapid Communication
This retrospective single-center study evaluates complex iliofemoral reconstruction with extensive dissection, including profundoplasty; the role of CiNPT and short-term outcomes are analyzed.
This retrospective single-center study evaluates complex iliofemoral reconstruction with extensive dissection, including profundoplasty; the role of CiNPT and short-term outcomes are analyzed.
This retrospective single-center...