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James Bena, MD

Rapid Communication
This retrospective single-center study evaluates complex iliofemoral reconstruction with extensive dissection, including profundoplasty; the role of CiNPT and short-term outcomes are analyzed.
This retrospective single-center study evaluates complex iliofemoral reconstruction with extensive dissection, including profundoplasty; the role of CiNPT and short-term outcomes are analyzed.
This retrospective single-center...
Original Research
The authors aim to determine whether, in a group of patients with an established familial pattern of aortic disease, there is a risk of development of new aneurysm in the follow-up period, and whether this risk differs from that of patients...
The authors aim to determine whether, in a group of patients with an established familial pattern of aortic disease, there is a risk of development of new aneurysm in the follow-up period, and whether this risk differs from that of patients...
The authors aim to determine...
Vascular Disease Management