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Christopher Winters, DPM

Case Series
This retrospective study evaluates the efficacy of acellular fish skin graft for the treatment of full-thickness diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs). The primary objective is to calculate the total wound surface area (cm2) healed over a 16-week...
This retrospective study evaluates the efficacy of acellular fish skin graft for the treatment of full-thickness diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs). The primary objective is to calculate the total wound surface area (cm2) healed over a 16-week...
This retrospective study...
Original Research
The objective of this retrospective comparative cohort study is to evaluate the cost effectiveness of fish skin therapy compared with standard of care (SOC) on chronic diabetic foot ulcers.
The objective of this retrospective comparative cohort study is to evaluate the cost effectiveness of fish skin therapy compared with standard of care (SOC) on chronic diabetic foot ulcers.
The objective of this...
Original Research
The goal of this study was to compare the fish skin graft with standard of care (SOC) using collagen alginate dressing in the management of treatment-resistant diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs), defined as superficial ulcers not involving tendon...
The goal of this study was to compare the fish skin graft with standard of care (SOC) using collagen alginate dressing in the management of treatment-resistant diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs), defined as superficial ulcers not involving tendon...
The goal of this study was to...
Original Research
The authors of this article compared healing rates and cost between collagen alginate therapy and fish skin graft in the context of chronic diabetic foot ulcers.
The authors of this article compared healing rates and cost between collagen alginate therapy and fish skin graft in the context of chronic diabetic foot ulcers.
The authors of this article...
Rapid Communication
This is the second of 3 planned articles reporting on a prospective, multicenter, randomized controlled trial assessing the efficacy of fish skin graft in the management of diabetic foot ulcers in comparison with the standard of care...
This is the second of 3 planned articles reporting on a prospective, multicenter, randomized controlled trial assessing the efficacy of fish skin graft in the management of diabetic foot ulcers in comparison with the standard of care...
This is the second of 3 planned...
Introduction: A hematoma is a collection of blood underneath a wound that has been sutured closed. It results from poor coagulation of vessels lacerated during the procedure and presents ...
Standard treatment of chronic diabetic foot ulcers (DFU) is expensive and, for more than half of DFU patients, unsuccessful1. Health care policy decision makers should seek the most effec...