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Impacting Patient Outcomes With Skin Substitute Products

Jeffrey H. Hsu, MD, FACS

In this video, Jeffrey H. Hsu, MD, FACS, discusses how skin substitute products have impacted outcomes in his patients and how he chooses in which patients to use skin substitute products.

This video is part 2 of a 4-part series on skin substitute products and their clinical applications. For additional content regarding skin substitute products, read the Advances article here.



Dr. Hsu: I would say that if there's interest in using these products, I would select these patients very carefully. These products are best used in situations where most other therapies have been done and exhausted.

These products are not going to perform magic. They're not going to heal wounds where the underlying medical problems have not been addressed.

So, my advice to anyone using these products is to continue to be as complete as you can with regards to treating the wound. Treat the patient as a whole, and address all the medical, nutritional, and social factors associated with that wound.

And then, when there has been no progress despite all of that, that is when I would consider the use of these products, and I consider them very useful in those situations.