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Managing Distal Digital Neuropathic Ulcers with a Silicone Digital Orthosis: A Case Study

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BACKGROUND: Distal digital neuropathic ulcers are frequently encountered over bony prominences and high-pressure areas in an insensate foot. These wounds often become chronic and difficult to medically manage.

OBJECTIVE/MATERIALS AND METHODS: In order to confront the etiology of the nonhealing wound, a custom-molded silicone digital orthosis was used to prevent neuropathic reinjury while still preserving the function of the digit.

RESULTS: Over 4 weeks, a clinically notable decrease in wound size was observed. A 95% reduction in wound area was observed after the application of the custom-molded silicone digital orthotic. At 2-month follow-up after closure, no recurrence of the ulcer was noted. These results suggest an array of benefits to a wide patient population.

CONCLUSIONS: This study proposes the use of a custom-molded silicone digital orthosis as a viable adjunctive treatment to other standard of care wound treatments for achieving successful patient outcomes.


Shah D. Managing distal digital neuropathic ulcers with a silicone digital orthosis: a case study. Poster presented at: Symposium on Advanced Wound Care Fall; November 2-4, 2018; Las Vegas, NV.


Product: N/A 

This abstract was not subject to the WOUNDS peer-review process.



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