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Adipose-derived Allograft Injectable Filler as an Alternative Treatment for Chronic Wounds: Case Series

BACKGROUND: Allogenic adipose tissue has been used as a filler in soft-tissue defects as a noninvasive alternative to surgical grafting. Advantages of the use of adipose tissue include the presence of extracellular matrix and growth factors such as acidic fibroblast growth factor, basic fibroblast growth factor, platelet-derived growth factor BB, and vascular endothelial growth factor. These growth factors are associated with cell survival, angiogenesis, differentiation, migration, mitosis, proliferation, chemotaxis, wound healing, and endothelial cell growth. Additionally, the allograft can reduce the expenses, time, and pain of adipose tissue collection while offering an alternative for patients not willing or able to undergo such procedure. 

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Four patients > 18 years old with chronic wounds were selected and consented to the use of the adipose-derived allograft application for their wounds. Wounds were appropriately debrided at least once with subsequent cultures proving no active infection prior to application of the adipose tissue allograft. Foam dressings were used subsequently with offloading measures recommended. First follow-up was 7 days after the application and as often as required based on the main investigator criteria. Reapplication of the allograft was considered based on the subsequent evaluations.

RESULTS: Mean age was 68 years, mean wound size was 8.75 mm x 7.75 mm, and average duration of the wound was 4.75 months. Two of the patients healed completely by week 7 and week 14, respectively. The other 2 underwent surgical closure of their wounds by week 1 and week 3 after the application of the allograft, respectively. 

CONCLUSION: Growth factors found in adipose tissue can help with the regeneration of defects with different etiologies. The adipose-derived allograft tissue could be a suitable alternative treatment for chronic wounds without having to harvest the tissue from the patient.

Mendoza R, Liu J, Galiano R. Adipose-derived allograft injectable filler as an alternative treatment for chronic wounds: case series. Poster presented at: Symposium on Advanced Wound Care Fall; November 2-4, 2018; Las Vegas, NV.


Product: Allofill, Allofill, a subsidiary of Biologica Technologies (Carlsbad, CA)

This abstract was not subject to the WOUNDS peer-review process.



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