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Unlocking the Mode of Action: Why Might a No-canister, Ultra-portable, Single-Use Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (sNPWT) Device Be Clinically Superior to Traditional Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (tNPWT)?

Background: Technological advances have enabled the generation of smaller, simpler, single-use negative pressure wound therapy (sNPWT) systems which have proven to be as effective as traditional negative pressure wound therapy (tNPWT).  However, emerging evidence demonstrating superior wound outcomes with sNPWT has prompted us to challenge our current understanding of NPWT mode of action in order to help explain why a sNPWT device with multi-layered dressing technology** shows clinical superiority to tNPWT.

Purpose: A review of current and emerging clinical and scientific evidence was performed, focusing on a variety of wound healing effects and clinical benefits of sNPWT compared to tNPWT and standard care (SC) treatment.

Methods: A recent prospective, randomised, controlled trial revealed superior wound healing outcomes in sNPWT treated chronic wounds compared to tNPWT, along with reduced dressing change frequency, application times and impact on daily living activities. Evidence suggests benefits occur beyond the wound including improved surrounding skin health, oedema and tissue perfusion.  More recently, a pilot study demonstrated marked reepithelialisation and more mature granulation tissue in sNPWT treated porcine wounds. Evidence to suggest the presence of a wound filler may in fact impede wound healing under NPWT will be presented. 

Results and Conclusion: We propose that the multi-layered dressing technology enables physiological benefits of NPWT to be consistently delivered over a wider zone of tissue than the wound itself. sNPWT facilitates NPWT delivery without the need for a wound filler, allowing undisturbed wound healing for up to 7 days. Coupled with its simplicity and portability, sNPWT* offers unique benefits to patients and carers.


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Smith & Nephew Medical Ltd.