Novel Micropatterned Composite Hydrogel Scaffold Promotes Rapid Vascularization and Neodermis Formation
Introduction: Engineered dermal templates are commonly used to treat extensive skin loss, but because of insufficient vascularization, they often fail to support epidermal grafts and are prone to infection. A template that decreases exposure duration by rapidly promoting the rate and degree of neovascularization would substantially improve the standard of care.
Objective: This study evaluated an innovative micropatterned composite hydrogel scaffold (CHS) for neodermis formation and graft take in a novel rodent model of full thickness skin loss that fully mimics the human clinical procedure.
Materials and Methods: For in vivo evaluation, a full thickness 2.5cmX2.5cm (1.5-2% TBSA using the Meeh’s formula) skin defect was made in a Lewis rat dorsum (n=4). The bilayer CHS or a control scaffold (market leading product) was placed on the wound and secured/covered with dressings akin to bolster application. After 7 days, bolsters/silicone layers were removed and isogeneic neonatal (0-7 days) rat skin (which approximates the thickness of human split thickness skin grafts) was placed as a full thickness graft on the matrix. After 7 days, wound healing was evaluated by gross graft take and histologic analysis.
Results: In two independent studies CHS significantly outperformed the control scaffold ( >75% take vs. ~50% take respectively). Histologic analysis clearly demonstrated that CHS promoted superior endothelial cell organization and blood vessel formation, greater neo-collagen development, and fewer monocytes within the scaffold. Together, these data indicate the presence and health of rapidly regenerated, vascularized dermal tissue within the CHS.
Conclusions: The unique microarchitecture of this innovative CHS significantly increased cellular invasion and neovascularization compared to the market leading dermal template. Such expedited angiogenesis and engraftment results in significantly more rapid neodermis formation within the CHS which promises to improve the success rate and decrease the time to definitive closure in full thickness skin loss.
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