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A Novel Antimicrobial Topical Spray to Reduce Bioburden and Promote Antibiotic Stewardship

Catherine Milne, Michael Desvigne, Bryce Schuster

Purpose/Problem: The overuse of antibiotics has led to serious consequences in the overall management of patients. Localized and systemic chronic infection of wounds are commonplace, accounting for significant economic and quality of life burdens for patients, including complications related to antibiotic use.

Objective: Objectively evaluate a new, novel antimicrobial wound cleanser (AWC) demonstrated in vitro to impact immature and mature biofilm on wound bioburden in chronic wounds.

Method: Wound bioburden was evaluated prior to application of AWC, 15 seconds after application, and after a 10-minute application of AWC using commercially available gauze. A multisite approach with a variety of wound types was employed. Objective evaluation of 30 chronic wounds was achieved using a handheld bacterial tissue fluorescence device emitting violet light shown to be effective in identifying bacterial concentrations through tissue fluorescence (TF) in the wound bed.

Outcomes: Wound bioburden was positively impacted by both spray and soak applications as determined by TF with reductions in bioburden seen in both. Systemic antimicrobial interventions were additionally impacted.

Conclusions: Use of a novel AWC can be readily implemented in any clinical setting by any provider to positively affect wound bioburden in most wounds. Further study is warranted, including long-term outcomes on wound healing and systemic antibiotic usage.


