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Poster PI-024

Data Driven Wound Care - A Clinical and Business Opportunity

Abstract Body: The evolution of wound care as a clinical specialty includes the development of similar but different service models. This is evolution has been slow at best (1). Many factors influence this. Wound care service models are essentially based on a similar foundation but may differ subtly due to regional processes and practices within healthcare (2). Data is a valuable asset in this evolutionary journey (3). Many wound carers collect data but are not good at sharing or pooling this data as its complicated and cumbersome. While a multi_disciplinary approach is preached by most, there is an over_protection of local information that may benefit others. Sometimes this is a system issue rather than an individual issue where there is little or no ability, for effective and consistent data capture. Modern technological approaches can however influence both the service delivery and also the data capture and sharing. Artificial Intelligence is fast becoming a norm in healthcare, but many practitioners don’t understand its real meaning and, more importantly, potential role in the management of wounds. Essentially it means “data-driven” or “experientially driven”. It will be a catalyst for the evolution of more informed wound care practice and therefore help with the specialisation of the clinical area.  The possibilities of this type of approach within the standardisation of practice are many but include: • Patient engagement in their care • Workflow improvement for caregiver • Care connectivity across the health continuum • Education and awareness • Symptom management (eg, pain) Artificial Intelligence models use of tens of millions of patient charts stored in electronic health records, with billions of data points, this is impossible for a clinician as they may only see a few tens of thousands of patients in their entire career. Through this type of approach wound care can be standardized, made more objective, and augmented.  It will impact on all areas within wound care, prognosis, diagnosis, and treatment, to workflow efficiency and broadening access to quality care. Engaging with technology will realize the promise of better outcomes for patients through the enhanced delivery of care by their care team.


Sponsor name
Swift Medical Inc


