Volume 58 - Issue 8 - August 2012
Self-management of diabetes often is a daunting prospect for patients, particularly when newly diagnosed. Hearing they must test blood sugar, follow a new diet, engage in physical activity, take medications appropriately, and be concerned...
Self-management of diabetes often is a daunting prospect for patients, particularly when newly diagnosed. Hearing they must test blood sugar, follow a new diet, engage in physical activity, take medications appropriately, and be concerned...
Self-management of diabetes...
Wound Management & Prevention
Despite growing interest in the integration of qualitative and quantitative designs (ie, mixed-method) in healthcare research, no major health services journal has devoted an entire issue to the topic. This is about to change. The December...
Despite growing interest in the integration of qualitative and quantitative designs (ie, mixed-method) in healthcare research, no major health services journal has devoted an entire issue to the topic. This is about to change. The December...
Despite growing interest in...
Wound Management & Prevention
AAWC and DebRA Join Forces
The Association for the Advancement of Wound Care (AAWC) and the Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa Research Association of America (DebRA) are working together to bring wound care professionals where they’re...
AAWC and DebRA Join Forces
The Association for the Advancement of Wound Care (AAWC) and the Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa Research Association of America (DebRA) are working together to bring wound care professionals where they’re...
AAWC and DebRA Join...
Wound Management & Prevention
Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. — Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Nursing is a demanding job,” says Michelle C. Quigel, BSN, RN, CWOCN. “WOC nursing is even harder. It’s not for the meek or...
Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. — Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Nursing is a demanding job,” says Michelle C. Quigel, BSN, RN, CWOCN. “WOC nursing is even harder. It’s not for the meek or...
Do not follow where the path may...
Wound Management & Prevention
Empirical Studies
Pressure-related intact discolored areas of skin (PRIDAS) are generally described as an area of nonblanching erythema (Stage I pressure ulcer) or deep tissue injury (DTI), but the validity of these definitions has not been tested....
Pressure-related intact discolored areas of skin (PRIDAS) are generally described as an area of nonblanching erythema (Stage I pressure ulcer) or deep tissue injury (DTI), but the validity of these definitions has not been tested....
Wound Management & Prevention
Empirical Studies
Pediatric burn wounds present unique challenges. Second-degree burns may increase in size and depth, raising concerns about healing and long-term scarring. Results of a clinical study in adults with second-degree burn wounds...
Pediatric burn wounds present unique challenges. Second-degree burns may increase in size and depth, raising concerns about healing and long-term scarring. Results of a clinical study in adults with second-degree burn wounds...
Pediatric burn...
Wound Management & Prevention
Empirical Studies
Patients should receive care based on the best available scientific knowledge. Clinical wound care guidelines have been created using many methodologies, but many remain consensus-based. A consensus-based approach is no longer...
Patients should receive care based on the best available scientific knowledge. Clinical wound care guidelines have been created using many methodologies, but many remain consensus-based. A consensus-based approach is no longer...
Patients should...
Wound Management & Prevention
Guest Editorial
Many in the wound care community use the term skin failure to suggest a cause for the development of a pressure ulcer. I respectfully challenge the term in that context.
In the May 2012 issue of Ostomy Wound Management,1 the authors of...
Many in the wound care community use the term skin failure to suggest a cause for the development of a pressure ulcer. I respectfully challenge the term in that context.
In the May 2012 issue of Ostomy Wound Management,1 the authors of...
Many in the wound care...
Wound Management & Prevention