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Volume 53 - Issue 8 - August, 2007

Industry Insider
Postoperative antimicrobial barrier dressing manages risk infection   Smith & Nephew Wound Management (Largo, FL) introduces ACTICOAT® Post-Op, a silver-coated antimicrobial barrier dressing designed to help manage infection risk...
Postoperative antimicrobial barrier dressing manages risk infection   Smith & Nephew Wound Management (Largo, FL) introduces ACTICOAT® Post-Op, a silver-coated antimicrobial barrier dressing designed to help manage infection risk...
Postoperative antimicrobial...
Wound Management & Prevention
  One of the most challenging issues associated with colostomy management is an improperly cited stoma, which may occur as the result of the absence of preoperative stoma site marking, emergency surgery, postoperative weight gain, or attempts...
  One of the most challenging issues associated with colostomy management is an improperly cited stoma, which may occur as the result of the absence of preoperative stoma site marking, emergency surgery, postoperative weight gain, or attempts...
  One of the most challenging...
Wound Management & Prevention
Time discovers truth. – Seneca (philosopher, mid-first century AD)   A physician’s assistant specializing in urology, Esther McCorkindale, PA-C, believes the key to providing good care is time – most importantly, the time to listen. Recently...
Time discovers truth. – Seneca (philosopher, mid-first century AD)   A physician’s assistant specializing in urology, Esther McCorkindale, PA-C, believes the key to providing good care is time – most importantly, the time to listen. Recently...
Time discovers truth. – Seneca...
Wound Management & Prevention
  For its 20th anniversary, the SAWC met in Tampa, FL, a city rich in history, not to mention sunshine, shopping, and sports. Tampa was originally settled as an Indian fishing village — tribes native to the area called the village by the bay...
  For its 20th anniversary, the SAWC met in Tampa, FL, a city rich in history, not to mention sunshine, shopping, and sports. Tampa was originally settled as an Indian fishing village — tribes native to the area called the village by the bay...
  For its 20th anniversary, the...
Wound Management & Prevention


Guest Editorial
  Through the years, wound care practice models have evolved from a group of individuals working in management “silos” to multidisciplinary teams and finally to integrated interprofessional teams. The interprofessional approach became the...
  Through the years, wound care practice models have evolved from a group of individuals working in management “silos” to multidisciplinary teams and finally to integrated interprofessional teams. The interprofessional approach became the...
  Through the years, wound care...
Wound Management & Prevention


Case Report
  Stomal bleeding is usually caused by trauma,1,2 skin excoriation, and stomal ulceration2 and typically controlled by local measures that include local pressure, silver nitrate application, injection sclerotherapy, and suture ligation of the...
  Stomal bleeding is usually caused by trauma,1,2 skin excoriation, and stomal ulceration2 and typically controlled by local measures that include local pressure, silver nitrate application, injection sclerotherapy, and suture ligation of the...
  Stomal bleeding is usually...
Wound Management & Prevention
Empirical Studies
  The importance of nutrition for wound prevention and healing is well established.1-5 Formulas such as the Harris-Benedict equation6 currently used to determine initial amounts of protein necessary utilize weight, height, age, and gender...
  The importance of nutrition for wound prevention and healing is well established.1-5 Formulas such as the Harris-Benedict equation6 currently used to determine initial amounts of protein necessary utilize weight, height, age, and gender...
  The importance of nutrition...
Wound Management & Prevention
Empirical Studies
  Clinicians in Ontario are continually challenged to provide quality patient care despite decreasing resources. Innovative programs that support patient-centered care, staff satisfaction, and nurse outcomes are needed, especially with regard...
  Clinicians in Ontario are continually challenged to provide quality patient care despite decreasing resources. Innovative programs that support patient-centered care, staff satisfaction, and nurse outcomes are needed, especially with regard...
  Clinicians in Ontario are...
Wound Management & Prevention