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Volume 56 - Issue 4 - April, 2010

     Doctors at the Wake Forest Institute of Regenerative Medicine (Winston Salem, NC) have come up with another astounding breakthrough. They recently designed an inkjet printer-like device that sprays new skin cells onto damaged burn tissue...
     Doctors at the Wake Forest Institute of Regenerative Medicine (Winston Salem, NC) have come up with another astounding breakthrough. They recently designed an inkjet printer-like device that sprays new skin cells onto damaged burn tissue...
     Doctors at the Wake Forest...
Wound Management & Prevention
     Wound debridement is a vital function in wound healing. Chronic wounds may have decreased cellular activity, increased amounts of protease activity, and may stall in various stages of wound healing. As a result, debridement is necessary...
     Wound debridement is a vital function in wound healing. Chronic wounds may have decreased cellular activity, increased amounts of protease activity, and may stall in various stages of wound healing. As a result, debridement is necessary...
     Wound debridement is a...
Wound Management & Prevention
     Vasculitis, a process caused by inflammation of the blood vessel walls, is categorized by the size of the vessels involved (ie, large-vessel, medium-sized-vessel, or small vessel); it may be self-limiting, with short-term courses, or may...
     Vasculitis, a process caused by inflammation of the blood vessel walls, is categorized by the size of the vessels involved (ie, large-vessel, medium-sized-vessel, or small vessel); it may be self-limiting, with short-term courses, or may...
     Vasculitis, a process...
Wound Management & Prevention
This month’s Nutrition 411 column is based on Dr. Collins’ presentation at the 23rd Annual Symposium on Advanced Wound Care on April 18, 2010 in Orlando, FL      Nutrition pearls are small nuggets of information that convey some of the most...
This month’s Nutrition 411 column is based on Dr. Collins’ presentation at the 23rd Annual Symposium on Advanced Wound Care on April 18, 2010 in Orlando, FL      Nutrition pearls are small nuggets of information that convey some of the most...
This month’s Nutrition 411...
Wound Management & Prevention
     Diarrhea (loose, watery stools occurring more than three times a day) can be caused by a variety of factors or agents; 2,247 medical conditions are said to cause diarrhea.1 The National Institutes of Health2 report that the average adult...
     Diarrhea (loose, watery stools occurring more than three times a day) can be caused by a variety of factors or agents; 2,247 medical conditions are said to cause diarrhea.1 The National Institutes of Health2 report that the average adult...
     Diarrhea (loose, watery...
Wound Management & Prevention
Success means having the courage, the determination, and the will to become the person you believe you were meant to be. – George Sheehan      Don’t let the SAWC Host Committee hats fool you. Carolyn Cuttino, RN, BSN, CWOCN, is an...
Success means having the courage, the determination, and the will to become the person you believe you were meant to be. – George Sheehan      Don’t let the SAWC Host Committee hats fool you. Carolyn Cuttino, RN, BSN, CWOCN, is an...
Success means having the...
Wound Management & Prevention
     Over the past few months, several members of the AAWC Board of Directors responded to the University of Miami’s call for volunteers to support its wound care relief program. Under the administration of Robert S. Kirsner, MD, AAWC Past...
     Over the past few months, several members of the AAWC Board of Directors responded to the University of Miami’s call for volunteers to support its wound care relief program. Under the administration of Robert S. Kirsner, MD, AAWC Past...
     Over the past few months,...
Wound Management & Prevention


Letter from the Editor
     Much to the country’s delight/chagrin, we are reforming healthcare. No one is questioning the need to ensure that everyone in the US has access to quality medical care. But what’s the price to insure and why is so much of the burden...
     Much to the country’s delight/chagrin, we are reforming healthcare. No one is questioning the need to ensure that everyone in the US has access to quality medical care. But what’s the price to insure and why is so much of the burden...
     Much to the country’s...
Wound Management & Prevention


Empirical Studies
Abstract   Pressure ulcer assessment is usually performed at the bedside by a clinician with minimal training in wound assessment. A multidisciplinary panel of United States’ wound experts was assembled to provide anatomically accurate and...
Abstract   Pressure ulcer assessment is usually performed at the bedside by a clinician with minimal training in wound assessment. A multidisciplinary panel of United States’ wound experts was assembled to provide anatomically accurate and...
Abstract   Pressure ulcer...
Wound Management & Prevention
Empirical Studies
Abstract  Research has shown that providing quality wound care affects outcomes and cost. Heuristic devices that facilitate this process, such as guidelines and algorithms, are widely available, but most have not been validated for use by...
Abstract  Research has shown that providing quality wound care affects outcomes and cost. Heuristic devices that facilitate this process, such as guidelines and algorithms, are widely available, but most have not been validated for use by...
Abstract  Research has shown...
Wound Management & Prevention