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Volume 56 - Issue 4 - April, 2010


Empirical Studies
Abstract  Although venous leg ulcers (VLU) are a common health concern for many older adults, knowledge about common risk factors and optimal screening methods remains limited. To determine risk factors and develop a predictive model for...
Abstract  Although venous leg ulcers (VLU) are a common health concern for many older adults, knowledge about common risk factors and optimal screening methods remains limited. To determine risk factors and develop a predictive model for...
Abstract  Although venous leg...
Wound Management & Prevention
Empirical Studies
Abstract Since Sackett et al established the defining principles almost 20 years ago, the concept evidence-based medicine (EBM) has grown and is reflected in the current US healthcare reform debate. To determine the relevancy of EBM...
Abstract Since Sackett et al established the defining principles almost 20 years ago, the concept evidence-based medicine (EBM) has grown and is reflected in the current US healthcare reform debate. To determine the relevancy of EBM...
Abstract Since Sackett et al...
Wound Management & Prevention
This supplement was published as an online article with Ostomy Wound Management and subject to the OWM peer-review process. It was not subject to the WOUNDS peer-review process and is provided as a courtesy to WOUNDS...
This supplement was published as an online article with Ostomy Wound Management and subject to the OWM peer-review process. It was not subject to the WOUNDS peer-review process and is provided as a courtesy to WOUNDS...
This supplement was published as...
Wound Management & Prevention
     Doctors at the Wake Forest Institute of Regenerative Medicine (Winston Salem, NC) have come up with another astounding breakthrough. They recently designed an inkjet printer-like device that sprays new skin cells onto damaged burn tissue...
     Doctors at the Wake Forest Institute of Regenerative Medicine (Winston Salem, NC) have come up with another astounding breakthrough. They recently designed an inkjet printer-like device that sprays new skin cells onto damaged burn tissue...
     Doctors at the Wake Forest...
Wound Management & Prevention


Executive Spotlight
     Founded in 1984, Derma Sciences, Inc. (Princeton, NJ) is a fully integrated manufacturer, marketer, and supplier of a complete line of wound and skin care products. The company’s products fall into five categories: Advanced Wound Care,...
     Founded in 1984, Derma Sciences, Inc. (Princeton, NJ) is a fully integrated manufacturer, marketer, and supplier of a complete line of wound and skin care products. The company’s products fall into five categories: Advanced Wound Care,...
     Founded in 1984, Derma...
Wound Management & Prevention


