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Volume 55 - Issue 3 - March, 2009

     Managing Stage IV pressure ulcers presents a challenge to the healthcare community, particularly in the home health setting. During the initial home care visit, the wound and related management issues must be thoroughly assessed and...
     Managing Stage IV pressure ulcers presents a challenge to the healthcare community, particularly in the home health setting. During the initial home care visit, the wound and related management issues must be thoroughly assessed and...
     Managing Stage IV pressure...
Wound Management & Prevention
Why is Vitamin C Associated with Wound Healing?      Vitamin C has many physiologic functions in the human body. It is often aligned with wound healing because of its role in collagen formation. Vitamin C is a co-factor in proline and lysine...
Why is Vitamin C Associated with Wound Healing?      Vitamin C has many physiologic functions in the human body. It is often aligned with wound healing because of its role in collagen formation. Vitamin C is a co-factor in proline and lysine...
Why is Vitamin C Associated with...
Wound Management & Prevention
Ostomy Wound Management proudly introduces Continence Coach, a new column for clinicians seeking information on continence-related issues.      A little-noticed policy change announced in May 2008 by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid...
Ostomy Wound Management proudly introduces Continence Coach, a new column for clinicians seeking information on continence-related issues.      A little-noticed policy change announced in May 2008 by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid...
Ostomy Wound Management proudly...
Wound Management & Prevention
For tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today. -African Proverb      If Shoeless Joe from Hannibal, MO were alive today and had his stockinged feet created problems, he would have benefitted from knowing Edward A. Cline, DPM,...
For tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today. -African Proverb      If Shoeless Joe from Hannibal, MO were alive today and had his stockinged feet created problems, he would have benefitted from knowing Edward A. Cline, DPM,...
For tomorrow belongs to the...
Wound Management & Prevention
April 29–30, 2009, Gaylord Texan Hotel and Convention Center Dallas, Texas One of few meetings in the healthcare arena to offer dedicated exhibit hours, the Symposium on Advanced Wound Care (SAWC) features a wide array of products and...
April 29–30, 2009, Gaylord Texan Hotel and Convention Center Dallas, Texas One of few meetings in the healthcare arena to offer dedicated exhibit hours, the Symposium on Advanced Wound Care (SAWC) features a wide array of products and...
April 29–30, 2009, Gaylord Texan...
Wound Management & Prevention
Industry Insider
Company gains FDA clearance for dressings      Derma Sciences Inc (Princeton, NJ) announced that its first BIOGUARD™ Barrier Dressings received US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) clearance for marketing and distribution. The dressing...
Company gains FDA clearance for dressings      Derma Sciences Inc (Princeton, NJ) announced that its first BIOGUARD™ Barrier Dressings received US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) clearance for marketing and distribution. The dressing...
Company gains FDA clearance for...
Wound Management & Prevention
     As an educator, you know staff need includes educational programs (knowledge, skills, and abilities), career development, and organizational development and goals. What you might not know is to start. The best way to begin is to conduct...
     As an educator, you know staff need includes educational programs (knowledge, skills, and abilities), career development, and organizational development and goals. What you might not know is to start. The best way to begin is to conduct...
     As an educator, you know...
Wound Management & Prevention
Literature Review
Abstract The first wound and wound treatments were described five millennia ago. Since then, various principles of wound care have been passed on from generation to generation. In contrast to large numbers of general technological inventions...
Abstract The first wound and wound treatments were described five millennia ago. Since then, various principles of wound care have been passed on from generation to generation. In contrast to large numbers of general technological inventions...
Abstract The first wound and...
Wound Management & Prevention


Executive Spotlight
     Q: How were you first introduced to the arena of wound care?      A: I grew up in Iran where my family owned a large pharmaceutical and healthcare company, so as early as I can remember, I have had a keen interest in the medical field. I...
     Q: How were you first introduced to the arena of wound care?      A: I grew up in Iran where my family owned a large pharmaceutical and healthcare company, so as early as I can remember, I have had a keen interest in the medical field. I...
     Q: How were you first...
Wound Management & Prevention


Case Report
Abstract Chronic, recurring limb ulcers require a comprehensive approach that addresses the wound pathology, vascular status, and swelling. Although studies have shown that compression, especially high compression, is more effective than...
Abstract Chronic, recurring limb ulcers require a comprehensive approach that addresses the wound pathology, vascular status, and swelling. Although studies have shown that compression, especially high compression, is more effective than...
Abstract Chronic, recurring...
Wound Management & Prevention


