National Biologic Coordinator’s Day: Q&A With Dr Nikki Longwell
On November 1, 2021, the first National Biologic Coordinator’s Day took place in the United States. The initiative, established by Janssen, highlights the important role of these staff members of dermatology practices across the country.
The Dermatologist spoke with Nikki Longwell, PhD, about the importance of biologic coordinators and the national recognition day. Dr Longwell is senior director, medical science liaisons, immunology, at Janssen.

Could you speak a little bit about the role of a biologic coordinator and how creating this role could be useful for dermatology practices?
A biologic coordinator is a key member of a medical practice’s office staff. While staff includes doctors, nurses, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, medical assistants, and office managers, the biologic coordinator helps patients navigate the sometimes complex process of obtaining access to prescribed biologic therapies. While biologic therapy can be an important treatment option for the patients, obtaining access to these treatments can be challenging, and the patients do often need help navigating the process.
How can the biologic coordinator help facilitate improved patient outcomes?
Biologic coordinators are some of the most important health care workers because of the critical role they play in the patient's treatment journey. They help facilitate improved patient outcomes because they ensure patients are able to start and stay on their prescribed biologic treatments.
They care so much about their patients. They explain to the patients what can be expected, such as the type of information requested by an insurance company and how they can assist in navigating any coverage challenges or denials. They work closely with the patient's health care provider as well to get the most up-to-date information about their care, including collecting detailed medication records, insurance information, medical history, as well as the health care provider's clinical notes, which are often needed in a preauthorization process.
What motivated Janssen to establish National Biologic Coordinators Day on November 1?
Even though they are some of the most important advocates for patients in health care, often, the work of the biological coordinator goes unrecognized. Janssen, a company of Johnson & Johnson, recognizes the daily commitment of these unsung heroes in the patient care by launching the first national awareness day solely dedicated to these individuals.
November 1 was officially registered on the National Day Calendar, and Janssen established this day in particular to celebrate biologic coordinators during one of their busiest times, which is open enrollment period. Being a biologic coordinator is a tough, year-round job, and it is often the busiest at the start of each year. Around this time, insurance policy changes go into effect and annual patient reverifications happen, which can affect prescription coverage and eligibility for pharmaceutical manufacturers' medication support and access programs, among others. Also, November 1 falls during the yearly period in which people can enroll in health insurance plans, known as open enrollment.
Is there anything else that you would like to highlight regarding National Biologic Coordinators Day?
I said it before, but I want to doubly emphasize how much and how deeply biologic coordinators care about their patients. As a connecting force between the patient, the health care provider, the specialty pharmacy, manufacturer, and insurance company, biologic coordinators work hard to ensure that patients have the information and support to obtain and stay on their prescribed biologic treatments.
For the inaugural National Biologic Coordinators Day, Janssen invited people to show their support for their specific unsung heroes in patient care by sharing a story or a photo of or with a biologic coordinator using the hashtag #becauseyoucare or #nationalbiologiccoordinatorsday to create a groundswell of virtual support around the country.