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Volume 25 - Issue 12 - December 2017


Research in Review
A review of recent news, research, and treatment related to eczema.
A review of recent news, research, and treatment related to eczema.
A review of recent news,...
The Dermatologist


The Hidradenitis Suppurativa Foundation is a nonprofit public benefit corporation dedicated to improving the quality of life and care for individuals and families affected by this inflammatory skin disease.
The Hidradenitis Suppurativa Foundation is a nonprofit public benefit corporation dedicated to improving the quality of life and care for individuals and families affected by this inflammatory skin disease.
The Hidradenitis Suppurativa...
The Dermatologist
Chief Medical Editor Message
So often, rare negative events capture our attention, while we are completely oblivious to all the normal, commonplace events that aren’t immediately apparent.
So often, rare negative events capture our attention, while we are completely oblivious to all the normal, commonplace events that aren’t immediately apparent.
So often, rare negative events...
The Dermatologist


Case Report and Brief Review
The contents of these questions are taken from the Galderma Pre-Board Webinar.
The contents of these questions are taken from the Galderma Pre-Board Webinar.
The contents of these questions...
The Dermatologist
Ragna Thorleifsdottir, MD, PhD, completed medical school at the University of Iceland before moving to Sweden to complete her residency training in dermatology and venereology at the University Hospital in Uppsala, Sweden.
Ragna Thorleifsdottir, MD, PhD, completed medical school at the University of Iceland before moving to Sweden to complete her residency training in dermatology and venereology at the University Hospital in Uppsala, Sweden.
Ragna Thorleifsdottir, MD, PhD,...
The Dermatologist