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Volume 23 - Issue 3 - March 2015


Board Review
1. Which statement concerning this condition is true? a) Unscheduled DNA synthesis is markedly reduced in the variant group b) Palmer pits are a cutaneous marker for the disease c) It is caused by a defect in the type...
1. Which statement concerning this condition is true? a) Unscheduled DNA synthesis is markedly reduced in the variant group b) Palmer pits are a cutaneous marker for the disease c) It is caused by a defect in the type...
1. Which statement concerning...
The Dermatologist


Dr. Elise Olsen is founder and director of the Duke Dermatopharmacology Study Center.
Dr. Elise Olsen is founder and director of the Duke Dermatopharmacology Study Center.
Dr. Elise Olsen is founder and...
The Dermatologist
Chief Medical Editor Message
In one of the latest efforts to promote greater transparency in medicine, Medicare has begun making payments to doctors public information.
In one of the latest efforts to promote greater transparency in medicine, Medicare has begun making payments to doctors public information.
In one of the latest efforts to...
The Dermatologist