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Volume 22 - Issue 2 - February 2014

Featured Article

Cover Story
Advances in immunosuppressive therapies have resulted in enhanced survival among organ transplant recipients (OTRs). As a result of a growing population of immunosuppressed patients with prolonged survival, it is imperative that the...
Advances in immunosuppressive therapies have resulted in enhanced survival among organ transplant recipients (OTRs). As a result of a growing population of immunosuppressed patients with prolonged survival, it is imperative that the...
Advances in immunosuppressive...
The Dermatologist


Chief Medical Editor Message
An envelope arrived with the words “check enclosed” on the cover, a sure sign of junk mail. Enclosed was a check for $10 accompanying a 2-page survey querying my impressions of several patient education materials/advertisements. Printed on...
An envelope arrived with the words “check enclosed” on the cover, a sure sign of junk mail. Enclosed was a check for $10 accompanying a 2-page survey querying my impressions of several patient education materials/advertisements. Printed on...
An envelope arrived with the...
The Dermatologist