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Volume 16 - Issue 4 - April 2008

Omnilux New-U FDA Approved for Periorbital Wrinkles Photo Therapeutics, Inc., has received FDA approval on its over-the-counter light therapy device, Omnilux New-U, for the treatment of periorbital wrinkles. According to the company,...
Omnilux New-U FDA Approved for Periorbital Wrinkles Photo Therapeutics, Inc., has received FDA approval on its over-the-counter light therapy device, Omnilux New-U, for the treatment of periorbital wrinkles. According to the company,...
Omnilux New-U FDA Approved for...
The Dermatologist


Legal Ease
  In this second part of my series on cosmetic, drug and cosmeceutical claims, I review the criteria that lead to the classification of a product as either a drug or cosmetic, and how products and ingredients — and even soap — are...
  In this second part of my series on cosmetic, drug and cosmeceutical claims, I review the criteria that lead to the classification of a product as either a drug or cosmetic, and how products and ingredients — and even soap — are...
  In this second part of...
The Dermatologist