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Volume 16 - Issue 1 - January 2008


Cosmetic Clinic
As if the prospect of an election year isn’t numbing enough, once the campaign season kicks into high gear, the droning speeches and endless commercials will put many of us under as surely as general anesthesia. However, campaign...
As if the prospect of an election year isn’t numbing enough, once the campaign season kicks into high gear, the droning speeches and endless commercials will put many of us under as surely as general anesthesia. However, campaign...
As if the prospect of an...
The Dermatologist


Dr. Fisher is Professor Emeritus of Dermatology at the University of Toronto Medical School. He graduated from the University of Geneva Medical School in Switzerland in 1954. He served in the Israel Defense Forces as a naval officer and...
Dr. Fisher is Professor Emeritus of Dermatology at the University of Toronto Medical School. He graduated from the University of Geneva Medical School in Switzerland in 1954. He served in the Israel Defense Forces as a naval officer and...
Dr. Fisher is Professor...
The Dermatologist