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Psoriasis a Predisposing Factor for Atherosclerotic Disease Development

Jessica Garlewicz, Associate Digital Editor

A study published in Dermatology Practical & Conceptual found that psoriasis could be a predisposing factor for atherosclerotic disease development in epiaortic vessels.

Researchers evaluated 47 patients with psoriasis and 47 patients without psoriasis with color Doppler ultrasound (CDUS). All patients were without cardiovascular risk factors. A computed tomography angiography (CTA) was performed if atheromatous plaques were detected and was compared with CDUS. Researchers also analyzed atherosclerosis prevalence in both groups.

The study’s results showed that the difference of atherosclerotic disease prevalence between the groups was statistically significant (P < 0.05). The psoriatic group showed an overall prevalence of atherosclerotic disease at 38.2% and the control group showed only 17%. Of the 47 patients with psoriasis, 6 had atheromatous plaques and 12 had an intima-media thickness (IMT) greater than 1 mm. Within the control group, CDUS revealed atheromatous plaques in 4 patients with IMT greater than 1 mm in those 4.

“Our results highlight that PsO could be considered a predisposing factor for atherosclerotic disease development in epiaortic vessels, as it causes an increased IMT, that is also considered an independent cardiovascular risk factor,” the authors wrote.

Dattola A, Manenti G, Ferrari D, et al. Prevalence of atherosclerosis in psoriatic patients detected with epiaortic color doppler ultrasound and computed tomography angiography. Dermatol Pract Concept. Published online January 1, 2022. doi:10.5826/dpc.1201a11