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New Edition of Educational Booklet on Rosacea Now Available

understanding rednessThe National Rosacea Society (NRS) announced the latest edition of its booklet “Understanding Rosacea,” a comprehensive educational tool for patients diagnosed with rosacea.

This updated version now includes the updated standard classifications and pathophysiology of rosacea, which were developed by a consensus committee and review panel of 28 experts in the management of rosacea. “Understanding Rosacea” already features an overview of the diagnostic, major, and secondary features of rosacea, with a photo guide to help patients identify signs and symptoms of the disease. Readers can also learn about the potential causes and triggers of flares as well as tips for how to effectively manage living with the disease.

In a press release, Dr John Wolf, chairman of dermatology at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, TX, said that the booklet is an excellence source of information for newly diagnosed patients who may have questions regarding the disease and its management. “While they may discover outdated and even contradictory information online, this booklet provides an accurate overview of our current understanding of rosacea.”

“Understanding Rosacea” is available free of charge from the NRS on their website and was supported by LEO Pharma. Providers can order bulk quantities to use as handouts by contacting the NRS. Other materials are available to patients and providers, including “Coping With Rosacea,” “Management Options for Rosacea,” “Recognizing Redness,” and “Rosacea Diary.” In addition, the NRS offers a newsletter titled Rosacea Review for patients.

Erhard M, Huff A. National Rosacea Society introduces updated ‘Understanding Rosacea’ booklet. Press release. National Rosacea Society; March 9, 2021. Accessed March 30, 2021.


