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Hidradenitis Suppurativa Contributes to Relationship Disturbances

Lisa Kuhns, PhD

According to a study published in Skin Appendage Disorders, hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) negatively affects patients’ relationships with their partner by interfering with sexual encounters and contributing to communication barriers.

Researchers aimed to determine relationship disturbances in HS using an anonymous electronic survey. The survey assessed aspects of sexual relationships that are affected by HS discomfort and patients’ reluctance to discuss HS with their partner.

A total of 873 participants were included in the study. Some aspect of a patient’s relationship was affected by HS discomfort in 60.9% of those surveyed. Of these, 49.1% reported that their sexual encounters with their spouse were affected. In addition, 43% were reluctant to discuss HS with their spouse and 84.7% feared their partner seeing boils and scars.

“Addressing HS-related relationship disturbances should be included in HS management,” concluded the study authors.

Thompson AM, Rick JW, De DR, et al. Relationship disturbances in hidradenitis suppurativa: a patient perspective. Skin Appendage Disord. 2022;8(6):448-453. doi:10.1159/000525131


