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Volume 28 - Issue 12 - December 2020

Featured Article

Geriatric Dermatology:  A Different Look at Aging
Cover Story
Dermatology has long fought to prevent and reverse the cutaneous signs of aging, but the truth exists that aging is inevitable. It is time to adapt the specialty to improve care for skin disease in older patients.
Dermatology has long fought to prevent and reverse the cutaneous signs of aging, but the truth exists that aging is inevitable. It is time to adapt the specialty to improve care for skin disease in older patients.
Dermatology has long fought to...
The Dermatologist


Clinical Tips: Brow Injections, Erythrodermic Psoriasis,  Back Nevi, and Comedones
Clinical Tips
Keep in mind these pearls from dermatologic experts next time you discuss treatment with patients or pull your dermatoscope out for examination.
Keep in mind these pearls from dermatologic experts next time you discuss treatment with patients or pull your dermatoscope out for examination.
Keep in mind these pearls from...
The Dermatologist
The Dermatologist’s Board Review - December 2020
Board Review
The Dermatologist's Board Review - December 2020The contents of these questions are taken from the Galderma Pre-Board Webinar. The Pre-Board Webinar is now an online course. For details, go to...
The Dermatologist's Board Review - December 2020The contents of these questions are taken from the Galderma Pre-Board Webinar. The Pre-Board Webinar is now an online course. For details, go to...
The Dermatologist


Social Pressure
Chief Medical Editor Message
On a daily basis, we are faced with the problem of diagnosing patients’ skin conditions and prescribing appropriate treatments. On top of that, we also face the problem of how to get patients to use the treatment...
On a daily basis, we are faced with the problem of diagnosing patients’ skin conditions and prescribing appropriate treatments. On top of that, we also face the problem of how to get patients to use the treatment...
On a...
The Dermatologist