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Volume 28 - Issue 8 - August 2020

Featured Article

Seeing the Spectrum: Including and Embracing Skin of Color Education in Everyday Dermatologic Practice
Cover Story
Recent anti-racism movements have accentuated the longstanding need for increased training on darker skin types. The Skin of Color Society and its members are making strides in helping all dermatologists improve their knowledge.
Recent anti-racism movements have accentuated the longstanding need for increased training on darker skin types. The Skin of Color Society and its members are making strides in helping all dermatologists improve their knowledge.
Recent anti-racism movements...
The Dermatologist


The Dermatologist’s Board Review - August 2020
Board Review
Test your knowledge of bullous diseases, basement membranes, and autoimmunity.
Test your knowledge of bullous diseases, basement membranes, and autoimmunity.
Test your knowledge of bullous...
The Dermatologist


A Conversation With Heather Downes, MD, FAAD
Dr Downes is the founder of a direct-pay private practice in Bannockburn, IL. She is an advocate of direct-pay health care and is also a founding lifetime member of Physicians for Patient Protection (PPP), a...
Dr Downes is the founder of a direct-pay private practice in Bannockburn, IL. She is an advocate of direct-pay health care and is also a founding lifetime member of Physicians for Patient Protection (PPP), a...
The Dermatologist
Knowing a Little Math is a Good Thing
Chief Medical Editor Message
No doubt the economy has seen better days. COVID-19 has eviscerated it. Job losses are popping up all over, along with temporary furloughs for those lucky enough to stay employed. The government is doing its best to...
No doubt the economy has seen better days. COVID-19 has eviscerated it. Job losses are popping up all over, along with temporary furloughs for those lucky enough to stay employed. The government is doing its best to...
The Dermatologist


Joint AAD-NPF Guideline on Topical Therapy and Alternative Modalities for Psoriasis Released The latest expert-written and evidence-based guideline on the management of psoriasis with topical therapies and...
Joint AAD-NPF Guideline on Topical Therapy and Alternative Modalities for Psoriasis Released The latest expert-written and evidence-based guideline on the management of psoriasis with topical therapies and...
The Dermatologist